I Turned 72 Today: 32 Things I’ve Learned That I Hope Will Help You on Your Journey

What does a lifetime of experience teach you? As a 72-year-old man reflects on his journey, he shares 32 profound lessons that have shaped his understanding of life. Discover why he believes “it’s usually better to be nice than right” and how “gratitude can be a cheat sheet for happiness.”

At 72 years old, one has accumulated a wealth of experiences and insights. The years bring not only age but also wisdom, shaped by triumphs and failures, joys and sorrows. Here are 32 things an older, wiser man has learned over his lifetime that he hopes will help guide you on your journey.

A wise old man | Source: Midjourney

A wise old man | Source: Midjourney

1. It’s Usually Better to Be Nice than Right

Kindness often opens doors that being right slams shut. In the grand scheme of things, people remember how you made them feel more than whether you were correct in an argument.

For example, in a heated work meeting, choosing to listen and empathize with a colleague’s perspective can lead to a collaborative solution, whereas insisting on being right might only create division and resentment.


Being nice fosters harmony and builds lasting relationships, while always insisting on being right can breed resentment and conflict.

A photo showing smiling work colleagues working together | Source: Pexels

A photo showing smiling work colleagues working together | Source: Pexels

2. Nothing Worthwhile Comes Easy

The most valuable things in life — such as strong relationships, fulfilling careers, and personal growth — require dedication and hard work. Think of a marathon runner training for months, enduring physical and mental challenges, only to cross the finish line and feel the exhilaration of accomplishment.

The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are always worth the effort. Struggle shapes character, and perseverance often leads to the most rewarding outcomes.

A female athlete crossing a marathon finish line | Source: Pexels

A female athlete crossing a marathon finish line | Source: Pexels

3. Work on a Passion Project, Even Just 30 Minutes a Day. It Compounds.

Small, consistent efforts can lead to significant progress over time. Whether it’s writing a book, learning a new instrument, or starting a business, dedicating just a little time each day to your passion can transform it from a dream into reality.

A friend of mine, who always wanted to paint, started dedicating just 30 minutes a day to her art. A year later, she held her first exhibition. The key is persistence and punctuality.

A woman in an art studio | Source: Pexels

4. Become a Lifelong Learner (Best Tip)

The world is constantly evolving, and staying curious keeps you engaged and adaptable. Embrace every opportunity to learn, whether it’s through books, experiences, or conversations.

I once met a retired engineer who took up coding at 65. He now develops apps that help seniors manage their medication schedules. Lifelong learning not only enhances knowledge but also keeps the mind sharp and the spirit youthful.

A laptop screen showing coding data | Source: Pexels

A laptop screen showing coding data | Source: Pexels

5. Working from 7 a.m. To 7 p.m. Isn’t Productivity, It’s Guilt.

Long hours don’t necessarily equate to productivity. Effective work is about quality, not quantity. Strive to work smarter, focus on what truly matters, and ensure you leave time for rest and your personal life.

I remember a colleague who stayed late every night, but his performance suffered because of burnout. On the other hand, those who balanced their work and personal life often performed better and were happier.

A man sitting behind his work table feeling exhausted | Source: Pexels

A man sitting behind his work table feeling exhausted | Source: Pexels

6. To Be Really Successful, Become Useful

True success comes from being of value to others. Focus on how you can help, support, and contribute to those around you.

For instance, a friend of mine started a community garden that not only provided fresh produce but also brought the neighborhood together. Being useful builds trust and respect, laying the foundation for lasting success in any field.

A cheerful female gardener standing near a cart with plants | Source: Pexels

7. Like Houses in Need of Repair, Problems Usually Don’t Fix Themselves.

Ignoring issues often makes them worse. Whether it’s in personal relationships, work, or health, addressing problems promptly and directly is the best course of action.

I once ignored a minor health issue, thinking it would resolve itself. It didn’t, and addressing it later required much more effort and stress. Procrastination can turn small issues into significant challenges.

An elderly man sitting on a chair with medicines lying in front of him on the table | Source: Pexels

An elderly man sitting on a chair with medicines lying in front of him on the table | Source: Pexels

8. Envy Is Like Drinking Poison, Expecting the Other Person to Die.

Envy harms you more than anyone else. It consumes your energy and fosters negativity. A friend of mine constantly compared herself to others, leading to unhappiness and a lack of productivity.

Instead, focus on your own path and accomplishments. Celebrate others’ successes without comparing them to your journey, and you’ll find greater peace and satisfaction in your achievements.

A woman looking at someone with envy | Source: Pexels

A woman looking at someone with envy | Source: Pexels

9. Don’t Hold Onto Your “Great Idea” until It’s Too Late.

Act on your ideas before it’s too late. Waiting for the perfect moment often means missing the opportunity altogether.

A neighbor of mine had a brilliant business idea but hesitated too long, only to see someone else launch a similar venture successfully. Take the plunge, even if it’s not perfect: progress is better than perfection that never materializes.

A sad man sitting on the sofa thinking about his problems | Source: Pexels

10. People Aren’t Thinking About You as Much as You Think.

We often overestimate how much others focus on us. Most people are too absorbed in their own lives to scrutinize yours. This realization can be liberating, freeing you from the fear of judgment and allowing you to live more authentically.

I used to worry excessively about what colleagues thought of my presentations until I realized they were more concerned with their own work.

A thoughtful man sitting near the window in an office setting | Source: Pexels

A thoughtful man sitting near the window in an office setting | Source: Pexels

11. Being Grateful Is a Cheat Sheet for Happiness (Especially Today)

Gratitude has a profound impact on happiness. Taking time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for can shift your mindset and enhance your overall well-being.


I started keeping a gratitude journal, noting three things I was thankful for each day. It transformed my outlook and made me appreciate the small joys in life. It helps you appreciate the good in your life, even during challenging times.

A closeup shot of a person holding a gratitude journal in bed | Source: Pexels

A closeup shot of a person holding a gratitude journal in bed | Source: Pexels

12. Write Your Life Plan with a Pencil That Has an Eraser.

Life is unpredictable, and flexibility is essential. Plans often change, and that’s okay. Be prepared to adapt and adjust your goals as circumstances evolve.

This approach reduces stress and allows you to navigate life’s twists and turns more smoothly. When my career took an unexpected turn, being adaptable allowed me to find new opportunities and thrive in a different field.

13. Choose Your Own Path or Someone Will Choose It for You.

It’s essential to take charge of your own life decisions. If you don’t, others will make them for you, and you may end up living someone else’s vision instead of your own. Empower yourself by making deliberate choices that align with your values and aspirations.

A friend of mine followed her parents’ expectations to become a lawyer, only to realize later she wanted to be a teacher. Making her own choice brought her fulfillment and joy.

A smiling teacher discussing the lesson with her students | Source: Pexels

A smiling teacher discussing the lesson with her students | Source: Pexels

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